Terms from A-Z

The term Lean derives from the improvement methodologies developed, refined and applied to the specific business needs of Toyota. These methodologies are commonly referred to as the Toyota Production System (TPS) or the Toyota Business System. In its entirety, TPS has many techniques of implementation, methodologies for deployment and tools for tactical analysis. To be successful, all of the above must be supported by a management philosophy that creates a culture of continuous improvement. This combination of understanding, maturity and tactical skill, when developed and deployed properly, enables performance improvements through the identification and elimination of “waste”.

Simply Lean Management:

To improve your understanding of Lean terminology, this LPM Academy glossary serves.

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Idea collection

Idea collection such as brainstorming, meta-plan techniques, brainwriting etc are techniques where ideas on a topic are collected and written down in an organized and unhindered manner. The principle is followed: First collect - then evaluate

Idea generation

Idea generation is the search for new ways of thinking with the help of creativity techniques. -Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when it is the only one you have.- Emile Chartier

Implementation Plan

All activities, work packages, subtasks and events with their respective planned dates are combined into an implementation plan which, after all the usual coordination and approval processes, forms the legal basis for the implementation of the project. All persons involved in the project must be familiar with the plan in its entirety or, if the scope is too large, with the relevant parts of it. The further planning documents of the project should be developed from this implementation plan, e.g. the time-related cost, expenditure, financing documents, as well as the resource planning. (Source: GPM)

Implementation planning

Implementation planning is intended to clarify milestones and actions of a project. It ignores the logical and temporal dependencies of the network planning technique and is limited to the detailed planning representation of the procedure. With the division into columns and the concise formulations, implementation planning provides an optimal overview of the upcoming activities and possible problems. In the Topic/Action column, the planning object is first described in more detail. After that, one presents the goal of the activity, which is followed by the -Way- column, which explains the approach and the next steps. The next column specifies who is responsible for the implementation. The Budget column deals with the amount of (time) effort. If necessary, milestones and noted items (actions not yet firmly scheduled) can be recorded on the first page of an implementation plan. Implementation plans must be revised and updated at regular intervals so that they can be used to compare the planned and actual progress of the project. It is also advantageous to review and discuss the implementation planning several times within the team. (Source: Gabler Management)

Inbound telemarketing

Also known as passive telemarketing, this refers to the processing of incoming calls. In this process, the calls are automatically distributed to the individual telephone workstations via the telephone system - according to the qualifications and workload of the call agents. Typical inbound services include order taking, complaints management, information and service hotlines, etc.Source: Reinhold Rapp: Customer Relationship Management Campus 2000

Independent buffer time

Definition according to DIN: The independent float time is the time span by which an event or operation can be shifted if its predecessors are in the latest position and its successors are in the earliest position.

Information System

Target group-oriented, needs-based information of all project participants about the project processes, especially for steering committees and documentation. (Source GPM)

Initial sequence (AF)

In the case of relationships between activities within a network, the start of an activity may depend on the start of its predecessor. This dependency is called the initial sequence. (Source: GPM)


Innovative creativity is the ability to improve existing technologies once the basic principles are understood. See also: Expressive Creativity Inventive Creativity Productive Creativity

Input resource capability

Definition according to DIN 69902: The resource capacity is the quantity of units that can be generated by the use or consumption of a resource in a unit of time (e.g. an excavator can excavate 100 cbm in one hour).

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