Terms from A-Z

The term Lean derives from the improvement methodologies developed, refined and applied to the specific business needs of Toyota. These methodologies are commonly referred to as the Toyota Production System (TPS) or the Toyota Business System. In its entirety, TPS has many techniques of implementation, methodologies for deployment and tools for tactical analysis. To be successful, all of the above must be supported by a management philosophy that creates a culture of continuous improvement. This combination of understanding, maturity and tactical skill, when developed and deployed properly, enables performance improvements through the identification and elimination of “waste”.

Simply Lean Management:

To improve your understanding of Lean terminology, this LPM Academy glossary serves.

Sie können das Glossar über das Suchfeld und das Stichwortalphabet durchsuchen.

@ | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Alle

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3 Ds

dirty, dangerous, difficult (Source: TBM Consulting Group http://www.tbmcg.com/de/about/ terminology.php)

3 elements of demand

3 elements of demand: The three factors of customer satisfaction are quality, cost and delivery terms.

3 Elements of Just In Time

The three elements of Just in Time (JIT) are:

  • takt
  • timeflow production
  • the downstream pull system


5 S

5S or also 5A (German language area) is a workplace organization (methodology), which is used in production but also increasingly in the service sector. It is an idea from Japanese production concepts, which serves as a tool to make workplaces and their environment safe, clean and clear. Without the basic prerequisite of cleanliness and order, neither quality work nor improvement of work processes is possible.


  • No disturbance
  • No searching
  • Short transport routes
  • Avoidance of waiting time

From this follows: => No waste As a methodical tool, the 5S can be applied in all areas of an organization 5S stands for:

  • Seiri: Sort out!
  • Seiton: Put down neatly!
  • Seiso: Clean!
  • Seiketsu: Keep clean!
  • Shitsuke: Exercise self-discipline!

However, some translations go to the ?A? Therefore the concept is also known as ?5A?

5A stands for:

  • Sort out!
  • Tidy up! (Arrange work equipment ergonomically)
  • Workplace cleanliness!
  • Make arrangement a rule!
  • Adhere to and improve all points!

Read more detailed explanation News about 5S:

The philosophy 5S: more than order and cleanliness

Literature: The German 5S Workbook


7 types of waste

The 7 types of waste Waste happens due to:

  • Overproduction (too much quantity)
  • Inventory (too much material used)
  • Transportation (too long distances)
  • Waiting time (too much time)
  • Manufacturing process
  • Unnecessary movement
  • Occurring errors

Meanwhile, 2 other types of waste are often discussed:

  • Waste due to poor ergonomics (especially with regard to employees)
  • Talent not used or used incorrectly


ABC analysis

The ABC analysis is an easy-to-use method of situation analysis for focus formation and priority setting. With it concentration relations can be conveyed graphically descriptive (Lorenzkurve). Original application was the determination of characteristic quantities with the income distribution by the American Lorenz. In the material economy the ABC analysis determines the cost portion of the different camp parts of the camp total costs. In manufacturing the materials with the highest cost portion of the product are of interest. In marketing and selling it applies to make the few articles out, which bring together a high turnover portion of the total turnover. (Source: GPM)

Abnormality Management

The ability to detect and correct a malfunction, i.e., any deviation from a standard operating procedure, in a timely manner.(Source: TBM Consulting Group http://www.tbmcg.com/de/about/ terminology.php)


Acceptance is the more or less approving attitude and stance of an individual or group towards an object, subject or other circumstance. (Source: GPM)

Activity node network

Definition according to DIN: The VKN is a network plan according to a procedure in which mainly activities are described and represented by arrows.

Activity-oriented network

Definition according to DIN: The VON is a network diagram that is characterized exclusively by the description of activities (regardless of the form of representation).

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