




LPM® Cooperation


The LPM® Academy is founded as a virtual community. It consists of a central coordination office in Birmingham and will be gradually expanded through the establishment of regional coordination sites starting with Germany within Europe.

The LPM Academy center is to establish a new agile corporate culture. Every employee, every supporter and every member is valued in his / her uniqueness and never treated as an object of any reviews, expectations, teachings or actions or even used. We deliver maximum performance and achieve our goals by inviting, encouraging and inspiring each other to do so. We want to be empower all, the intrinsic creative power to kindle.

In the LPM Academy there are no leaders or officials, but there are those who agreed to take responsibility for the completion of certain tasks and support each other by forces other.

The LPM Academy itself generating profit applied to the staff / -inside and members are distributed, but acquires income, which are used for the maintenance and the expansion of activities and the adequate remuneration of employees.

The LPM Academy acts neither as a company nor a club, but met and survived the organizational principles of a cooperative. It belongs to its members and pursues them and realized their interests.

The focus is on the construction and dissemination of a new entrepreneurial culture that allows to promote a maximum output of creative force and the implementation of projects and tasks with our inborn desire to own thinking and the joint purchase. The development, demand and promote the respective talents and facilitation in the foreground. Therefore, the Academy are oriented in every respect to the common good and profit.


Basis of the activities of the Academy is the statutes of the cooperative. Statute for download


Member of the Academy is a person when they did their enrollment for the cooperative and purchased a share certificate. You want to be a member? More about it here.

Decision-making bodies

The following bodies are provided as the decision-making and control levels of activity of the Academy:
1) General Assembly
2) Board
3) Supervisory Board



The financial resources necessary for the establishment and activities of the Academy are provided for the following expenditures:
1) human resources for the payment of employees
2) cost of renting the office of the coordination center
3) cost (office equipment)
4) cost of services provided by third
5) funds for lectures / Mentor Consulting

The coverage of these costs using the following sources:
1) joining fee of cooperative members
2) donations


  • Potentials
Potentials wake and unfold!

If the members of a community (family, interest groups, clubs, teams, etc.), a company  encounter each other as subjects ( means respectful, appreciative, understanding, sympathetic, supportive, etc.), it acts in the sense of community for potential deployment.

Sogln Ltd.
LPM Academy “Unfold your potentials”

The principle of the potential development works in communities in which every individual makes in the encounter with others the universal experience of being seen and recognized in its uniqueness – to be valuable and important to be able to develop and bring in his own ideas. The members help your talents and aptitudes unfold and to be able to evolve in order to be connected to a reliable connection with all other members of that community.



  • Membership
LPM® Academy Membership
LPM® Academy Membership

We want members who are happy about the fact that there is the academy as a means to support potential development processes in companies because they
1) share the aims and objectives of the Academy.
2) holding a new entrepreneurial culture for the potential development of desirable and feasible.
3) want to shape this transformation process and support the necessary relationship cultural change.
4) will bring based on your experience as keynote speaker, the objectives of the Academy in the society.

For personal encounters, constructive dialogue and exchange of ideas organizes the Academy

1) regional meetings and workshops (Regional networks of the Academy)
2) regional meetings (Biennale of transformation design)

Who can join?

Member of the Academy is open to all persons who acquire a share in the cooperative and follow the basic principles of the cooperative according to the statute. Member of the Academy is a person when they did their enrollment for the cooperative and purchased a share certificate. The entrance fee is € 1.000, – and breaks down as follows: € 200, – Share, € 800, – Admission – (of which € 400, – used for supporting projects). If these posts can not afford, we try to find a sponsor for you. Candidates looking for a sponsor, only then presented to the members page, if we have found a sponsor for them. You might be interested in becoming a member?

Here, the application form for membership: Membership Application
Please filled out and signed by post to Röttenbach send to the Board. At the same time we ask for a photo and a short presentation text (max 250 characters including spaces.) For the members page on the Academy’s website – please send an email to Christian Bernert (max 500 KB.): – How it should look like, showing already under “members” set examples (by clicking on the photos to open the text with the physical description). Once the entrance fee is on our account, we set the photo and the text and send the membership certificate.


A special role within the Academy play our Fellows. These include all those individuals,
1) which have been due to their experience in building Academy won by the Board as mentors (Expert Fellows).
2) implement which accompanied by the Academy development projects in companies. (Research Fellows)
3) taking part in a special way by their ideological or financial support in building the Academy. (Supporting Fellows)

  • Ethik-Codex LPM® Academy
LPM® Academy Ethik-Codex
LPM® Academy Ethik-Codex

The realization that the interior structure, so the ruling in a contractor relationship quality determines how the entity in the outer is made effectively exercise, forms the core of our cooperation. The Academy therefore sees itself as a community for potential coaching.
The members support each other in an effort to use any other person as an object of their ideas, reviews, intentions and goals but today instead to deal in an appreciative, respectful, welcoming and encouraging manner as subjects. The members not only share certain core beliefs but develop further their relations within the academy in the sense of a continuous coaching. This attitude they represent inward and try this culture of encounter outside the Academy in their life together with other people to realize.
The desire to participate and assist in the necessary transformation of the currently prevailing relationships and corporate culture is the prime reason of their membership. Personal benefits, arising from the fact of being a member of the Academy, downstream of the primary intention.

What are our fundamental consensus concerning existing binding values?

We assume that,
1) all people try their coexistence with others in the sense of a fulfilled life to make,
2) there is no static state in life, but an ongoing development process, and therefore no one can find a full life if he does not develop itself,
3) in every human scale development potential reach far beyond their own imagination horizon, as the skills he was able, even in the present life to assimilate,
4) nobody itself  is able to unfolding all possible potentials, without the inspiration and motivation from other people,
5) potentials only awakens and develops when people meet each other as subjects, so do not make each other to objects of their assessments, expectations, interests or activities,
6) the members of a community of a company are always in a position to change their life together so that the development of the scale in their potentials are not suppressed,
7) the Members use the findings from the Akademie für Potentialentfaltung as inspiration,
8) the outstanding quality, creative and innovative services can only be provided by communities and companies whose members invite each other to encourage and inspire.

  • Administration

We administrate with Moodle all our seminar, course, trainings and other activities of the academy. You are invited to register to become frequently our academy news letters.


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